Our Team:
At To Be A Woman, we are a passionate team of students from the University of South Florida, focused on creating a safe space for transgender women. We are also involved in the USF American Marketing Association through dedicated work within the Case Committee team. With a focus on advocacy, education, and empowerment, we provide a welcoming space for allies and loved ones of transgender women, by offering them guidance and resources. Together, we strive to create a safer, more inclusive environment where transgender women can embrace and experience womanhood with confidence and support.
Meet Our Directors:
Isabella Moore is the Case Director at the USF American Marketing Association and is leading To Be A Woman. She is a senior at the University of South Florida double majoring in Finance and Marketing with a minor in Psychology. She is passionate about helping people realize their full potential. In her free time, she loves Latin dancing and traveling Europe. Chances are you will find her at the beach listening to Taylor Swift.
Jesenia Chatman is the Assistant Director of Case at the USF American Marketing Association and is helping lead To Be A Woman. She is a junior at the Muma College of Business majoring in Marketing and minoring in Communications. She is devoted to bringing creativity to every aspect of her life. When she’s not busy, she loves spending time with her pets and finding new music to jam out to.